"This television programme is very much encouraging to me, and I wish to take part in it immediately... if we are successful in this programme then my dreamt mission of life to spread Krishna Consciousness all over the world will be fulfilled." Srila Prabhupada letter to Karandhar prabhu, 22/3/1972
MayapurTV is entirely funded by the viewing congregation and other well-wishing devotees like you.
What we do:
share the amazing personalities, wonderful temples and incredible events of Srila Prabhupada's world-wide movement with devotees across the globe, and enable all of us to participate in the history that ISKCON is making.
provide a live-streaming platform to ISKCON temples, institutions, preachers and their congregations
develop a world-class broadcast from the Sri Dham Mayapur Temple, especially during the historic manifestation of the TOVP
develop video studios to facilitate the preaching of the learned and talented devotees in the Mayapur community
promote Gaudiya Vaishnavism in its homeland of West Bengal through CableTV
create awareness of Srila Prabhupada so the Bengali public will appreciate his achievements